Pennsylvania Self Defense Laws
Claiming Self Defense for Criminal Charges
The state of Pennsylvania has a number of laws in place that protect someone’s right to use force, even deadly force, in order to defend themselves. However, there have been recent changes to the laws that give more protections to people who use deadly force. If you are being charged with a crime in which you used force to defend yourself, you have rights that need to be protected by an attorney who understands and can fully apply the state’s self defense laws.
We Proudly Belong to These Organizations: Self-Defense Shield, Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc., NRA, Second Amendment Foundation, USCCA United States Concealed Carry Association, The Common Sense Gun Lobby CCRKBA Citizens Committee for the Right to keep and bear arms, GOA
Our criminal defense lawyers at Prince Law Offices, P.C., have experience handling cases in which the accused was acting in self defense. We can advise you of your rights and build a strategy in order to address the charges you are facing. Arm yourself with our knowledge and experience.
Prince Law Offices, P.C., knows the firearm and weapon industry, and understands how prosecutors handle cases of self defense. Call us today toll free at 888-313-0416 or contact our firm online.
Duty to Retreat Rescinded
The new laws do not require threatened individuals to retreat. This previous “duty to retreat” clause required those who were being victimized to attempt to flee to a safe place or to safely give up possessions before taking action against their attacker. Under the new laws, you do not have to do so.
Though it is best to avoid using force whenever possible, it may be necessary to protect yourself, your family and your home.
For over two decades, we’ve been earning the trust of your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Today, let us earn yours.
To schedule a free initial consultation with a Pennsylvania self defense attorney about claiming self defense for criminal charges, call 610-845-3803 or 888-313-0416, or contact us online. Someone from our office can get back to you as soon as possible to begin evaluating your case and options.