Cybersecurity & Privacy

Cybersecurity & Privacy Lawyers


Prince Law advises individuals and companies across a broad range of industries on data protection and privacy laws, including obligations under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), CAN-SPAM, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Federal Trade Commission Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, breach notification laws, and other federal and state laws. In addition, we help companies formulate or revise privacy policies to comply with new laws or take account of new technologies or changes in business operations. We also advise companies on the data privacy and security implications of mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing arrangements, and other transactions.

Data Breach Prevention, Response, and Litigation

Prince Law works to protect individuals and companies both before and after a data breach. This includes helping individuals and companies develop or improve data privacy practices and incident response plans through privacy and security assessments, in order to minimize the risk of a data breach and to put the individual or company in the best position to respond if a breach occurs. In the event of a breach, we provide rapid and comprehensive incident response under the protection of the attorney-client privilege.


The lawyers in our cybersecurity practice understand the emerging threats to the security of IT systems, and related cyber-regulatory efforts by governments that pose unique business and legal challenges to companies serving private sector or government customers. We assist clients in a broad range of industries, including financial services, healthcare, electric power, water, gas, telecommunications, technology, Internet services, and government contracting to comply with applicable U.S. and international laws and regulations, institute security systems and procedures to minimize the chances of a cybersecurity incident, assist with incident response after a data breach, resolve disputes, and adopt strategic solutions to business problems posed by cyber threats.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

The U.S. and state government is increasingly focused on protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure (including companies in the communications, energy, financial, and medical industries) from destructive cyber and physical attacks and ensuring security within its own supply chain. Prince Law advises companies across the critical infrastructure and companies seeking government contracts on compliance with existing legal requirements relating to critical infrastructure protection, as well as on prospective new regulations emanating from Congress and the Executive Branch.

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