Being OSHA compliant is an intimidating task. There are thousands of specific requirements and it can seem impossible to even know where to start. Many businesses want you to call in for a brief phone consult where they take your name and billing information and then sell you on services. This is not in your best interests and cannot possibly give them enough to information to properly assess your business’ needs.
Our first step to providing OSHA Safety Solutions is to schedule you an Introductory Assessment. During the Assessment, our Consultant will actually come to your facility, anywhere in Pennsylvania. Being on site allows our Consultant to observe things that might otherwise be overlooked or considered unimportant to be highlighted.
Our Consultant will spend a maximum of 3 hours at your facility. This ensures you and your employees are not unnecessarily intruded upon, but still provides enough time to discover problem areas and rule out regulations or services that are not applicable.
Unlike a Mock Inspection, our Assessment is designed to provide your business with a base overview of what kinds of OSHA regulations apply to you. A company that cuts granite countertops will obviously be subject to Respiratory Protection requirements, Machine Guarding issues, and probably Hearing Conservation requirements. However, it can often be overlooked that there are also other requirements that would apply. For instance, OSHA has regulations governing how the granite slabs should be stored, how they can be transported throughout the facility, and how employees have to be trained in relation to each safety aspect or program.
The Introductory Assessment will allow our Consultant to go through your facility and find these areas of applicable regulation. More importantly, having our Consultant at your facility gives you the opportunity to ask questions, verify concerns and ensure that any services our Consultant recommends will actually work for your business.
We charge a flat fee of $300 for an Introductory Assessment anywhere in the Commonwealth. Call 888-313-0416 or E-mail: Info@PrinceLaw.Com to schedule your Assessment.