Advantages of a Gun Trust
What is a Gun Trust? A gun trust offers numerous distinct advantages for gun owners, collectors, and enthusiasts to take advantage of. For most individuals, there are three primary advantages of a gun trust: Shared Possession and Access to Trust Assets Estate Planning with a Gun Trust Privacy Benefits of a Gun Trust 1. Shared […]
Overview of Social Security Disability Claims in Pennsylvania
Many people with disabilities seek to consult with an attorney for Disability benefits. We offer you this brief overview because Prince Law Offices often assists their clients claim disability benefits in Pennsylvania. Social Security disability benefits provide financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a long-term disability. In Pennsylvania, the Social […]
PA Workers’ Compensation Laws – an Overview
PA Workers’ Compensation laws are designed to protect employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses by providing financial benefits and medical care. The law, first established under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act in 1915, requires most employers to have insurance coverage that compensates injured workers for medical costs and lost wages without requiring proof of […]