Kevin Fenchak

Phone: 610-845-3803, ext. 81113

Toll Free: 888-313-0416, ext. 81113




Kevin Fenchak

Kevin Fenchak was born and raised in State College, PA, the son of two Penn State graduates and grandson of another. Kevin followed the family legacy by attending Penn State University, graduating in 2019 with one Bachelor’s degree in History and a second in Philosophy. He then attended Antonin Scalia Law School in Arlington, Virginia while working as a freelance translator and editor, graduating and earning his J.D. in May of 2023 and passing the Pennsylvania Bar Exam in July of 2023.

As a recent graduate of Antonin Scalia Law School, Kevin understands the importance of constitutional law and tripartite form of Government that our Founding Fathers provided. He is currently admitted to the practice of law in Pennsylvania and may, in the near future, seek admission in Maryland to further our Maryland firearms law division. But in the interim, he’s eager to start working with the other members of the Firm to defend the rights of Pennsylvanians.

Kevin has been an enthusiast of military history since he was able to read and has been an avid shooter since he obtained his first rifle at the age of 18. Growing up in the natural beauty of central Pennsylvania also instilled an early love for camping and the outdoors. He can often be found at one of Philadelphia’s many concert venues, working on a new woodshop project, or engrossed in a tabletop game classic like Diplomacy or Axis and Allies.

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